Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lucy in the Sky...with Kaleidoscope eyes

This is my entry for this week, yes I've been gone a while due to school. Anyway, it's glittered, so, hence the glitter-glare of the upload. I decided to capture the entire song by a kaleidoscope eye...with the scenes from the verses inside it. Top is the rocking horse by the fountain and bridge, left is the taxi sailing by green and yellow flowers, bottom is the rain at the station, and right is the river with tangerine trees. When I colored it, the Kaleidoscope part was done with glitterglue, and the actual scenes in colored pencil. This way, I could glitter over parts of the scenes to make it look like they were faded into the eye as reflections. Unfortunately...it's seen better in real life than the web thanks to my Photobooth.


Emily Plassmann said...

that is actually really cool
its also so creative, i like the sparkle effect LoL

Cheshire said...

Thankies ^_^ I was so hyped about using glitter on it though, that I forgot there was no way to "scan" it well with my lack of scanner. lol

Michael J. Ruocco said...

"Glitter makes stuff look purdy!"

In other words, it's AWESOME! It's all about using what you have on hand, & you used it well.